Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Crucible Character Analysis Essay - 879 Words

The Crucible Character Analysis In The Crucible by Arthur Miller, John Proctor, the protagonist, is a farmer in his middle thirties. The author gives little to no detailed physical description of him, but from Proctor’s speech, we can still picture him as a strong and powerful man who is able to keep every situation under the control, the kind of personality which earns him deep respect and even fear from the people in town. On the other hand, Abigail Williams, the antagonist, plays an inferior role as an orphan who has no social status in a place like Salem. Over the course of the play, John Proctor is absolutely awakened and transformed by Abigail Williams. In the end, he overcomes the crucible by releasing himself from his guilt of†¦show more content†¦This is later confirmed when she threatens to â€Å"come to [them] in the black of some terrible night and †¦ bring a pointy reckoning that will shudder† (Pg.175) Mary Warren and Betty Parris if they dar e to tell the truth. This shows her determination at killing Elizabeth Proctor and securing her own reputation. Unlike many naive villains in other literatures, Abigail sets out a meticulous scheme to frame Elizabeth. First, she witnesses Mary Warren leaving a needle in a doll. Then she â€Å"[sticks] two inches [of a needle] in the flesh of her belly†(pg. 203) to frame Elizabeth of performing witchcraft. So mendacious is Abigail that she is willing to injure herself to accomplish her plan. Under her beautiful appearance also lays a manipulative heart. She is capable of manipulating not only the girls into doing things her way, but also the members of the court to her advantage. When questioned by Danforth whether the spirits she has seen are illusion, Abigail steps it up a notch by making the members of the court feel sorry for her and madly refutes, â€Å"I have been near to murdered every day because I done my duty pointing out the Devil’s people—and this is my reward? To be mistrusted, denied, questioned like a—† (Pg.210) This, following by Elizabeths failure to tell the truth and the girl’s verisimilar acting toward the â€Å"yellow bird†, further demonstrates her manipulative power which brings the court in her favor. Altogether, manyShow MoreRelatedThe Crucible Character Analysis773 Words   |  4 Pagessomething that will lead a man to shame and destruction. In The Crucible this happened to one of the main characters, John Proctor, which also is the one of the Tragic Hero in the book. The Crucible is about when some town people in Salem was accused of being witches after four girls were found dancing in the woods. After 200 people were accused of being witches in 1963, 20 people were either hung or crushed by many stones. In the Crucible John Proctor, the tragic hero had a weakness as pride eventuallyRead MoreThe Crucible Character Analysis1126 Words   |  5 PagesIn The Crucibles, written by Arthur M iller, there were many themes present throughout the storyline. One theme existing throughout the play pertains to many characters preserving their reputation rather than conforming to society. In the play, many characters were prosecuted for witchery because of girls such as Abigail Williams accused them of doing so. During this crisis in Salem, three characters in particular remained rightful and truthful in order to preserve their established reputation inRead MoreThe Crucible Character Analysis1075 Words   |  5 Pagesprovide a source of conflict for a story. Author, Arthur Miller instills villain qualities in one of his main characters, Abigail. The Crucible is a story written about the Salem Witch Trials. Abigail is the main character in charge of accusing men and woman of being with the devil. Abigail’s traits mirror those of various Disney villains. Abigail’s omnipotent power throughout The Crucible reflects Maleficents talent. Maleficent is the most powerful fairy that uses magic to harm others due toRead MoreThe Crucible Character Analysis736 Words   |  3 PagesIn Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, the people of Salem, Massachusetts experience several â€Å"bizarre supernatural events† that really highlight these characters’ morality. A morality play is a kind of drama with personified abstract qualities as the main characters and presenting a lesson about good conduct and character. The Crucible dramatizes good and evil to give rationale of these characters’ true intentions. The â€Å"good† characters in the play are portrayed as Reverend Hale, Elizabeth, Mr. ParrisRead MoreThe Crucible Character Analysis783 Words   |  4 Pages â€Å"If you take care of your character. Your reputation will take care of itself†(Dwight Lyman Moody). In the book The Crucible, the reader gets to know several characters. As you continue through they find out information on more of the characters but three specific ones stand out because of their actions when trying to save their reputations. John Proctor, Reverend Parris, and Judge Danforth are all involved with trying to fix issues but end up trying to save their reputation because Parris catchesRead MoreThe Crucible Character Analysis1613 Words   |  7 PagesAmerican playwright and theatrical figure in the twentieth-century, Arthur Miller, once said, â€Å"Betrayal is the only truth that sticks.† Though he did not include this quote in the context of his famous work, The Crucible, his wise words can also be relevant in this play. The play takes place during the era of the Salem Witch Trials in 1692. In his composition, he includes the story of Mr. and Mrs. Proc tor, a married couple living outside of Salem in the time period of the trials. Abigail WilliamsRead MoreThe Crucible Character Analysis771 Words   |  4 PagesThe Crucible In Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible, Abigail Williams will do whatever it takes to win John Proctor over Elizabeth. Abigail is known for stirring up trouble. Will she win? In The Crucible, Abigail Williams is the villain of the play. She is manipulative towards her friends and the townspeople and causes people to die. Abigail is the reason for the start of the Salem witch trials. In Act One of The Crucible, Abigail has an affair with John Proctor. Abigail, her friends, and TitubaRead MoreThe Crucible Character Analysis1195 Words   |  5 PagesIn The Crucible, a play written by Arthur Miller, the characters have an innumerable amount of concerns for their own reputation. This is an immense theme represented throughout the entire play. The characters are too drawn into the sake of keeping the good of their name. In The Crucible, characters such as Reverend Parris, Abigail Williams, and Mary Warren are highly drawn to their reputations. This affects the way they act because i t brings their actions into play. Their situations are similarRead MoreThe Crucible Character Analysis783 Words   |  4 PagesThe greater the tragedy someone witnesses the more sympathy the will have for any tragedy no matter how small. In the book The Crucible by Arthur Miller, Proctor is put Faced with multiple tragedies. Even though John Proctor starts out as narcissistic and apathetic he starts to become more empathetic to all people and their problems because situations where it is difficult to not feel empathy made him realize it’s the right thing to do. In the beginning of the book Proctor doesn’t care muchRead MoreThe Crucible Character Analysis811 Words   |  4 PagesThe play, The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, takes place in the town of Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. This time in Salem, witchcraft was suspected of almost everyone in the town. Preserving one’s reputation becomes recurring concept throughout the play. The witchcraft accusations are usually made by people that have a biased view against others, which is why everyone tries to make sure their reputation looks well with the rest of the town. This concept is proven through the characters of John Proctor

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